Friday, 4 February 2011


   I have used the rulers so that I can line up my contents features accurately, this way I can make sure that everything is looking as neat and tidy as possible. If I didn't use rulers, my writing wouldn't be in line and it would end up looking messy.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Photoshop Technique; Distort- Lens Correction.

I created this look by going on to Filter, Distort, then Lens Correction. With this, you can change different things about the image to make it look how you would prefer it to. You can change the distortion and angle with this tool.

Photoshop Technique; Curve.

I created this effect by using the 'curve' tool on Photoshop. I moved the curve line to create the lighter effect on his face, compared to it being more shaddowed at the bottom of his body.

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Front Cover Layout.

Contents Layout.

Double Page Spread Layout.

Photo Shoot Ideas.

I would like the image on the front cover to be large and covering most of the page, as my survey suggested people prefer to have a picture led magazine. This shows that the photo on the cover has to be good enough, to make them want to buy it. I would like it to look very edgy and cool, yet still with that rock music theme going on. I would like it to be shaddowed or darkened. I think that my photo would look effective in either partial black and white, or maybe a soft sepia. I think that these effects would help it to stand out and make it different to some other magazines that are out there. Alot of magazines use bold, bright images to make the magazine stand out more, but I would like to make mine appeal to the audience by it being stylish and different.


Monday, 3 January 2011

What my magazine will be like.

My magazine will be created for people with ages ranging from 15-19, it is aimed towards a mid/late-teen age. I will make sure it includes both R&B and Rock music, although I will sway more towards the rock side of things, as I have some great ideas for creating a rock magazine. The font will be edgy yet stylish to attract the readers, clear and big so that it stands out when people are looking to buy it. It will include concert dates and prices, news of new CD's which are coming out and also free gifts for the readers. It will be a picture led magazine, yet there will still be enough information for the readers.


These are a variety of different fonts which I think would work well on my magazine due to their clear yet edgy style.